
Artwork by Benedetta Fiore. ArtStation | Instagram

Origin: African mythology

Other names: Groot Slang, Grote Slang

This elephant-sized serpent is sometimes said to dwell in a diamond-filled, 40-miles-long cave connected to the sea in Richtersveld, South Africa; in a pool beneath the King George Cataract at Aughrabies Falls, a waterfall on the Orange River; or in any number of warm rivers and lakes. It stretches 40 feet in length, and boasts three feet in girth. Some accounts say it has diamonds lodged in its eye sockets. It may appear as simply a giant serpent, or as an unnatural hybrid between a serpent and an elephant.

The Grootslang is as old as the world itself. The gods who created the Grootslang made it too powerful, quick, and cunning—and henceforth they created elephants and serpents as two separate creatures. While this menacing serpent has a penchant for cruelty, a potential victim can negotiate their freedom with precious gems.

If you plan on seeking out the Grootslang, pack a few shiny jewels just in case.

Appearances in media


My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic



Secret Saturdays


Final Fantasy XV

Kingdom Rush

Ghostbusters World




Writing Advice Roundup: Video Games