
Artwork by Benedetta Fiore. ArtStation | Instagram

Origin: South Africa

This giant serpent lurks in waterfalls and rivers in South Africa. It’s said to be over 20 feet long, with the body of a snake and the head of a horse. Only sangomas (the Zulu term for traditional healers) may get close to its home without being attacked.

Though there are ample recordings of fresh water eels (like the Anguilla mossambica or the Anguilla marmorata, which grow to be 6 feet long), many insist Inkanyamba is something else entirely. It’s known to migrate between the Howick Falls and the Mkomazi River, and at some point takes to the skies in search of a mate.

This equine-headed snake has been blamed for violent storms and meteorological events during the in the summer. When it catches sight of a shiny rooftop glinting in the sunlight, it might approach, thinking that it’s a body of water. Upon finding the truth, Inkanyamba becomes so enraged that it summons winds powerful enough to uproot trees and tear apart houses.


Getaway Magazine: Legends of the Deep

GAN and DAC Regional Knowledge Sharing Exchange Visit

Appearances in media:


Final Girl: Slaughter in the Groves


Animal X



