Writing Advice Roundup: 5 Unlikely Places to Find Inspiration

Photo by Luca Nardone.

Sometimes it pays to pull your head out of the weeds of storytelling and look to non-specific sources of inspiration to fire up your brain. Here are some of my favorites.


1. You’re Dead to Me. This podcast revisits people, events, and times in history with one expert and one comedian, hosted by author and historian Greg Jenner. Guests have included Stephen Fry, Kemah Bob, and Lauren Pattison. This has provided me with fantastic inspiration when I’m stuck on worldbuilding and plot twists.

2. The History Chicks. As a storyteller, you should know all about the narrator’s importance—and for the most part, the world’s history has been narrated by men. This podcast delivers a different perspective on events, which may help you envision different perspectives within your own story.



3. Cinema Therapy. Licensed therapist Jonathan Decker and filmmaker Alan Seawright offer their take on the psychological sides of story narratives and production. It’s the more thoughtful version of RiffTrax and provides a great lens for character building and storytelling.

4. Jill Bearup. How many rabbit holes have you fallen down trying to get the armor and weaponry just right in your story? Not to mention the fight scenes, costume designs, and everything in between. Jill gives frank and hilarious takes on these topics in movies, television shows, and more on her YouTube channel.

5. Babish Culinary Universe. (Formerly Binging with Banish.) Have you ever wondered what the food from your favorite video game, anime, or movie might actually taste like? Chances are, Andrew Rea has made it on his channel. I get plenty of inspiration here for dinner, but also for what kinds of dishes might exist in my books.



