
Artwork by Benedetta Fiore. ArtStation | Instagram

Origin: Inuit mythology

Other names: Amaroq

The Amarok is a giant wolf known to prey upon anyone foolish enough to go hunting at night—and unlike other wolves, the Amarok hunts alone. It’s thought that the Amarok’s stories originate with the now-extinct direwolf and, despite its brutal reputation, is also known to help humans.

In one such story, an Inuit boy was shunned by his people for his lack of strength, and so he prayed to the gods for power. The Amarok appeared before him, wrestled him to the ground with his tail, and causes numerous small bones to fall from his body. The Amarok said that those bones were stunting his growth, and invited the boy to return to him daily to help grow his strength. After many wrestling matches with the Amarok, the boy had the strength to overcome three bears—thus earning him respect back at home.

There are also a number of stories in which the Amarok itself is slain in order for a hero to prove their strength. There’s another great wolf named Amaguq who’s a trickster. There isn’t much information about him around, but he sounds a bit like Loki if he were a wolf.

Appearances in media

Short Film:




Charthago Adventures, Book 5: Amarok


Writing Advice Roundup: Character Development

