Writing Advice Roundup: Character Development
Developing strong, believable characters will bring life and dimension to your story. Throw in a dash of contrast and a solid character arc or two, and you’ve got a compelling cast running amok on your stage. In real life, we’re always learning, growing, and changing—or spiraling. It’s hard to empathize or connect with characters who don’t do the same. It takes a lot more than deciding on your character’s favorite color or their fashion choice. Here are some of my favorite guides to developing solid characters.
Writing Excuses 9.13: Three-Pronged Character Development
Writing Excuses 13.22: Character Arcs
Writing Excuses 16.38: Deep Dive into “Character”
MasterClass: How to Develop a Fictional Character: 6 Tips for Writing Great Characters
Reedsy: Character Development 101: Writing Characters Readers Won’t Forget
Create Stunning Character Arcs (series)